The effect of the Euro on southern European countries
A new paper from Villaverde (U. Penn), Santos (Harvard)
and Garicano (LSE) theorizes about the consequences of the introduction of the
Euro on the Southern European economies. The introduction of the Euro together
with a common monetary policy left Southern European economies with one unique
economic policy available: structural economic reforms. That would, on the long
term, bring economic growth and productivity to peripheral economies. However,
such thing never happened. The reason, “the steep financial boom derived from
the drop in exchange rate risk and from the Euro wide financial bubble meant
that the budget constraints that these countries faced were loosened, rather than tightened. Countries
that could cheaply borrow delayed painful reforms” “As a result, the financial
bubble fueled the deterioration of governance and of the
institutional arrangements on the Euro’s periphery”
So, the Euro brought the idea that
the whole Europe was
similar and high in efficiency and productivity. However, the truth was that
countries were still very different. The easy credit was misused by most
peripheral countries and when the crisis came those countries were the ones who
suffered, and still suffering, the most.
This explanation raises two
possible questions: First, why the markets misjudged the productivity and risks
of Southern European economies? And secondly “Are all situations where
financing is plentiful and cheap conducive to the lowering of standards, the
deterioration of governance and the abandonment of economic reforms? If so,
this situation is currently the one the United States, at the zero lower bound,
is facing, in which case [the] analysis suggests that a similar deterioration
public and private governance may occur.” That would mean that any fiscal
expansion or QE affects negatively to quality of government and sound economic